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Brembo is an Italian manufacturer of automotive brake systems, especially for high-performance cars and motorcycles. Its plant in Escobedo in the State of Nuevo León, Mexico, was constructed in record time. Here, aluminium calipers are produced for the North American market.
The facility features state-of-the-art manufacturing processes that combine high efficiency with the latest technically integrated solutions. It is capable of making two million aluminium calipers per year. The use of Dramix® steel fibers contributed to time and cost savings during the project while ensuring high performance of the concrete floor.
The Bekaert team worked closely with the constructor, Constructora Garza Ponce, to help ensure the structural performance of the floor and compliance with the exacting construction standards required by Brembo for all its facilities around the world. Many design variants were made for the different areas of the plant, taking into consideration the different loads on the floors. It was also essential to achieve cost efficiencies.
Dramix® 3D steel fiber reinforced concrete was used throughout the 24,700 m² floor, which resulted in time savings and cost reductions, and enabled Brembo to reach its sustainability objectives.
The use of Dramix® instead of rebar reduced the amount of concrete necessary, which translated into reduced costs and a lower environmental footprint for the project. Moreover, by using Dramix® steel fibers, less equipment was used during construction, which not only reduced man-hours but also contributed to the plant being constructed in record time. 114 tons of Dramix®3D 80/60BG were used at a dosage of 25 kg/m³ to create a slab thickness of 21 cm.