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About steel fiber reinforced concrete

Steel fiber reinforced concrete is concrete that has been reinforced with steel fibers. These fibers are relatively short, discontinuous elements that are randomly distributed throughout the concrete member. As such, the fibers become part of the concrete matrix, turning it into a composite material.

Steel fiber concrete reinforcement forms a homogeneous reinforcing network across the entire concrete cross-section, thus providing increased strength, ductility, and post-crack properties throughout the entire structure.



Efficiently prevent and control cracks with Dramix® steel fibers.  Unlike steel mesh, the fibers are distributed in every part of the concrete structure. As a result, steel fibers detect small cracks much faster than traditional reinforcement.

Low maintenance

Low maintenance

Steel fiber reinforced floors can minimize the number of joints and cracks. Joints and cracks are often the greatest source of maintenance problems in industrial floors. Minimizing them results in a higher quality floor requiring less maintenance. A reduced need for joint repair and fewer cracking issues helps keep floors in excellent shape for extended service life. 

CO2 savings

CO2 savings

Steel fiber reinforcement is inherently more sustainable than mesh/rebar and leads to significant CO2 savings (up to 35%). Through advanced steel fiber design optimization, we succeed in designing thinner, but equally durable concrete slabs, which require significantly less concrete, steel and water.

Curious to know how our solutions influence LEED/BREEAM

Fast and safe construction

Fast and safe construction

Mesh or rebar reinforcement involves the labor-intensive and hazardous activity of placement, tying, cutting, and bending, requiring certain expertise for safe execution. In contrast, Dramix® steel fibers are added directly to the concrete and allow you to pour pre-reinforced concrete, saving a significant amount of time. 

An even, high quality floor not only creates a safe environment for your workers (no tripping), but also for your machinery (e.g. forklifts) and your products. Preventing uneven pavement is essential in keeping product upright and in excellent condition.

Lower TCO

Lower TCO

When you look at an entire project, working with steel fiber reinforcement is cheaper than mesh or rebar. Even though the cost of rebar per unit weight is less expensive, using steel fibers will mean less concrete and steel used, more durability, lower maintenance over the asset’s lifetime, a sped-up construction process, these all contribute to a lower total cost of ownership and thus a lower price overall.